Wednesday, 3 March 2010


Yellow! No not the color, I mean Hello! ;]
So you might be wondering where in the world has my website disappeared too? Google? OMG! LOl.
Well basically It was a pain in the butt to keep up and running. It cost money, and it took maintenance. Also all I really used on it was the blog, so I thought, why not just get rid of the website, and use an ACTUAL bog? It's free and easy, and everyone else seems to use blogger too. So it was decided, I went ahead with my blog instead :]
I hope you all enjoy following it! I'm going to keep it updated. I'm determined to! Heh :)

So then! What's happened in my ever so adventurous life recently?
Well on Saturday I went ten-pin bowling. Which I haven't done in a LONG time. I went with a couple regular friends I usually go out with most weekends. We played two games, to which I kicked there butts the first game! Then, like the moron that I am, I bet on the second game, and lost by ONE POINT! ONE POINT! Lol. Typical eh? It really wasn't my week for gambling. I guess that says I just shouldn't do it eh? lol.
We then went back to a bar and got very drunk + karaoke! Darn, I should never attempt being a vocalist, but I guess it gave the girls a laugh ;) Heh.

Sunday was a typical relaxing day, I finished my final book in the 'Night World' series. So I'm currently reading 'Dead Witch Walking' by 'Kim Harrison'. It's pretty cool, keeps me up and reading more till silly hours in the morning lol.
The rest of the day I relaxed, had a KFC with the father, and watched more Vampire Diaries. Always a good day :) Did I mention my dads been working on the house again?
We're finally getting a shower! Yey! My dads got some friends in whom are COMPLETELY redesigning the bathroom, and It's already looking mint. I'm really looking forward to it being finished.

Monday was a typical day back to university, the evening I had an unexpected visit from my mates Jaz and Greavesy. They came round to relax and we ordered Pizza and Chicken, NOM! Really good value too, for me I had popcorn chicken, 3 pieces of southern fried chicken, a large bag of chips, and a can of coke for a fiver. Also I tasted great! So I aint complaining :D

Tuesday was a very LONG day, From nine in the morning until seven at night, with two one hour breaks. Then my typical two hours at the gym in the evening, along with a lot of work on one of my university assignments when I got home.

Finally today, again it's been fairly tiring today. With a kick start of maths from nine till eleven this morning, an hour at a food shop with hot sausage cobs, two hours of lighting and video technology, where me and a friend took shots on camera of me looking like a plonker presenting our university. Then and hour and a half at the students bar with a pint and finally this current lecture I'm in right now. I know I should be listening but we're currently watching a video about tomato sauce? Lol! It's quite funny actually, the guys a comedian.

Okay, so there's one more thing I haven't mentioned. One thing I absolutely cannot wait for, I'm officially moving into a fully detached house in Derby! (Above) With a couple friends from my university course. It's cheaper then my halls of residence address, and It's right next to my university! Literally, it's like a one minute walk! I timed it! Lol.


Rachel Green said...

How splendid! Good luck with the move, old chap!

Tony089 said...

Thanks Rachel =) x

BT said...

Excellent news about the move into the house. I hope it goes well. Great that it's so close. Interesting stuff about your course and your life. Keep it up.

DK said...

lots of fantastic news! :D ~bounce~ Glad to see Gran's reading you too :D
WICKED re the house, and also about your dad redoing the bathroom - whoo hoo a shower at last!
Love reading this, keep it up indeed! xxx Mum x