Monday, 1 March 2010


Friday 26th February

Awesome past two days!

Thursday I’ve had a good assignment set & I’m looking forward to taking it head on. It’s a module named sonic applications and the assignment is to make a live performance using synth, sequencing and key-mapped based tools. So It encouraged me to go ahead and buy the sound equipment I’ve been wanting for a very long time. I wasn’t going to purchase then considering it’s royal amount of cash!, But now they’re the perfect tools for this assignment, as well as my future music creation techniques :)

So what is it I’ve brought you ask? I’ll show you!

The first product is the Korg Kaoss pad 3 (KP3). It’s a touch pad/midi controller which controls anything from frequency to tempo variations, it can use ANY instrument including voice and make your production sound unique. So here’s a video to show you more:

(I can’t wait to receive this!)

The original cost is priced at £295. Pretty costly for a midi-controller. However, many DJ’s out in the industry use them, because of how incredibly effective they are.

Also I was able to hunt down a cheaper price at ‘nova musik’ of £240. £55 isn’t a bad cut I reckon. =)

My next piece of handy hardware was a new midi 25key keyboard. This however, isn’t like any ordinary midi keyboard. It’s got a side pad for swipes (similar to the KP3), it’s got a 9 track mixer, which many many functions to change your synth sound. You can also map your own created sounds to each key to make it completely unique, and of course you can plug it into a computer to design your sounds in a sequencer. So the original price for the x-station is £369. Hefty again eh? Thankfully once again to ‘nova musik’ I’ve purchased it for £269!

So in total I’ve knocked off £155! Happy me =) Now I’m just eager to get them and play away!

So, now my excitements been spilled about my new instruments, I can explain the rest of the days, ha ha. In the daytime on thursday I went out with a buddy from university, and played pool with a nice pint. I know I should really cut that out, but ever so often it’s really nice to chill out with a drink and a game of pool. It helps relieve tension on assignments I guess, or maybe that’s just my excuse for being lazy =) I never really get stressed so I can’t blame it on that hah. Thursday evening, as typically usual I went to the gym, and I’m beginning to enjoy it a lot more. The more work-outs’s I go through the better a feel about myself because I can physically feel and see the changes, making me happy and eager to keep going.

Today I’ve had another good chill-out day. After university from 9-11 I went out with my buddy James again, to town and did a little shopping. I brought myself a new pair of converse! I was eager to get some low back ones, and the ones I picked up have a little more style than the originals.

We then went and played pool again. Though this time I was silly enough to gamble on it ha! Usually I kick his butt, but this time we put money on the table, and kept playing for double or nothing. The games ended at 5-3 to james. So I lost a tenner! Hah but never mind, it’s a one off and it was brilliant fun =)

The rest of today I’ve been relaxing. Had a chinese for dinner, and watched the ‘Vampire Diaries’ again. I love that show! That’s about it for today =)

For the past two days I’ve also been OBSESSED with this song! It’s been on the radio no-end of times so you’ve all probably heard it.

It’s called Fireflies by Owl City. It goes like this =>

Off to read my book now I think, now my rants over.

Goodnight =)

1 comment:

DK said...

LOL didn't realise I hadn't commented on this one - just to say I did read it and play the vids! Very cool electronic gizmos going on! :D xxx